Feb 10, 2012
Front-end Job Interview Questions
Posted in "news"
A while ago, a group of very intelligent and experienced Front-end Developers got together and created a list of great Front-end focused job interview questions. This group consisted of @bentruyman,@ajpiano, @paul_irish, @SlexAxton, @boazsender, @miketaylr, @iansym, @vladikoff and @gf3. Since it's creation, I've expanded to this list and happen to use it to help friends prepare for interviews (like my good friend Wes Bos / @wesbos) or to interview developers myself.
To note, I think that it's only necessary to choose a handfull of questions from this list to get a good sense of a candidates capabilities and fit. The most telling questions often relate to what a person does in their free time. Asking about Twitter & Github Accounts, RSS feeds, Personal Blogs and general community involvement will tell you a lot about whether or not this person will stay up-to-date and is passionate about their work. The last group of questions will definitely let you know if the person's got a sense of humour.
Hope this list helps some people and, if you do use it, make sure to give credit to the folks that contributed (listed above).
Note: I've posted this document up on Github so that you can add to it if you want. Here's the link: https://github.com/darcyclarke/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions
<div class="paper">
General Questions:
HTML-Specific Questions:
JS-Specific Questions
### JS-Code Examples:
Question: What value is returned from the above statement?
**Answer: 3**
<pre>`"i'm a lasagna hog".split("").reverse().join("");`</pre>
Question: What value is returned from the above statement?
**Answer: "goh angasal a m'i"**
<pre>`( window.foo || ( window.foo = "bar" ) );`</pre>
Question: What is the value of window.foo?
**Answer: "bar"**
<pre>`var foo = "Hello";
(function() {
var bar = " World";
alert(foo + bar);
alert(foo + bar);`</pre>
Question: What is the outcome of the two alerts above?
**Answer: "Hello World" &amp; ReferenceError: bar is not defined**
### jQuery-Specific Questions:
CSS-Specific Questions:
Optional fun Questions:
<li>What's the coolest thing you've ever coded, what are you most proud of?
<li>Do you know the HTML5 gang sign?
<li>Are you now, or have you ever been, on a boat.
<li>Tell me your favorite parts about Firebug / Webkit Inspector.
<li>Do you have any pet projects? What kind?
<li>Explain the significance of "cornify".
<li>On a piece of paper, write down the letters A B C D E vertically. Now put these in descending order without writing one line of code.
<li>Pirate or Ninja?